Luxury on Loan
San Francisco women are typically early adopters of online trends, the latest of which is collaborative consumption—they loan it, you borrow it, and return it no strings attached. The idea of a no-waste fashion philosophy speaks volumes to a city that is one of the greenest in the world. So when "Luxury on Loan" Pop-Up Armarium founders Alexandra Lind Rose and Trisha Gregory showed up last week with a stunning array of gowns, San Francisco took notice. The new de Gournay showroom on Sacramento Street was a fairy tale location for the high glamour event. This magical pop-up was the brainchild of Allison Speer who is San Francisco's fairy godmother of all things artistic and luxurious. If you judge a city by its offerings in the arts alone, you can thank Allison for helping to build and cultivate our world class museums, oh! and our world class shopping. During the pop-up many women had the opportunity to discover first hand how Alexandra and Trisha a...